Be nice. No one wants to date someone who might say bad things about them or be mean to them. Show your crush that that's not you by being nice, not only to them but to everyone around you. Help people, always have a kind word for someone who needs one, compliment people, and find other ways to be nice too.

Be clean. Take care of your body. This shows that you care about and value yourself, showing others that you are worth caring about and valuing. Wear clean clothes with no holes or stains, wash your hair and body regularly, take good care of your skin and exercise as much as you can.

Be yourself. You want your crush to like you for who you are, so always be yourself. Don't change yourself or try to be someone you're not. People can usually tell and you'll only make yourself frustrated and sad. Do the things that you enjoy and if anyone doesn't like it, then they aren't worth your time.

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